January 26, 2025
So, it’s been 7 months since my knee surgery. I’ve done physical therapy religiously. Over the past several months, my activities have steadfastly progressed from careful, flat walks to speed walking on paved neighborhood hills. More recently, over the past several weeks, my knee managed uneven surfaces via short, wooded hikes, snowshoeing and even a small climb. It was time to go bigger. It was time for the Welch-Dickey loop trail. I’d done this hike before, in fall and summer. It offers great views for a smaller mountain. It’s actually two mountains as the name suggests. Welch rises at about 2605 feet and Dickey at 2734 feet. It is a 4.4 mile loop and you can start by ascending either mountain. Welch is 1.9 miles and Dickey is 2.3. The saddle in the middle makes up the rest.
Many people start up Welch, which is what we did, as it is steeper than Dickey. I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to make it and, spoiler alert, I didn’t. I stopped short of the summit due to the final rock scramble required to get over the top. While this might have been a major blow to many a hiker (I get it), I was intent on celebrating what I could do, not fretting about what I couldn’t. This has been my mindset since shortly after the injury. It’s something that I have to keep reminding myself. Focus on the positive. I had started, consciously, trying to do this on a daily basis for the past several years. Along with mindfulness and gratitude practices, positivity is a real mental health booster. Instead of going to bed every night thinking about all the things I did not get done, I started making a mental list of all the things I did accomplish that day. It was a small mind shift that had a big impact. Although not without challenges, I tried to maintain that focus during my healing process.

We set out early, as usual. The day started out grey. We arrived at the large trailhead parking lot in Thornton and paid our $5.00 parking fee at the self serve kiosk. Over the past several weeks, the area had received very little snowfall, the last few inches being several days ago. This is a popular trail and we figured, correctly, that we would not need snowshoes. After donning our outerwear and micro spikes, we headed to the clearly marked trailhead and proceeded up Welch. It is easy-going at the outset; just sort of meandering through the woods.
The Welch-Dickey Loop has many rock ledges, some of which are steep. In the winter, these get covered and look like snow fields. You hit the first one with little effort and are immediately rewarded with great summit-like views.

I remember my first climb up this trail and being tricked by these look-outs, thinking each time we had made it to the top, only to see more trail ahead. Now I view them as little carrots that propel me forward (that mindset thing again).
Moving on, the trail goes back into the woods at a much steeper incline. It pops out again and continues to rise sharply up another open expanse (ledge). There is another lookout to your left before reaching the base of the Welch summit. Here, you have to leave hiking behind and begin climbing. The trail narrows and you have to make your way up the rock face while navigating around small trees and brush. There are clear trail signs pointing you in the right direction lest you walk off the mountain entirely.

This was a challenge for me. Each large step-up required at least three limbs but had enough “trail” for me to land and contemplate my next step. I managed to make it up and over the first two short sections which brought me up and around the left of the summit base. Another great view.

Thereafter, the climb required a complete rock scramble up snow covered boulders. I could tell it wasn’t going to be long, but I suspected it would be slick and a slip would be perilous for me. I had worked so hard to get where I was, I did not want to foolishly risk a set-back. So, we turned the loop into an out and back trail.
Going down is often harder than going up when it comes to hiking. Hard on your knees especially. Although I avoided the summit hurdle, I still had to face the steep decent that most people avoid by doing this hike counterclockwise. The micro spikes did their job well. There was only one bit of “snow surfing” I managed to navigate and that took place on the steepest ledge. The snow was a bit deeper towards the bottom of that area, I’m sure due to gravity. Once slippage began, I just went with it instead of trying to fight it, trying to keep my body over my knees. All ended well. We went back through the woods out to the first ledge and took in one more view. Right before we were enveloped in trees for the final walk to the trailhead, I felt a warmth hit me. During our hike, the clouds had been slowly dispersing. I was so focused on my footing that I hadn’t noticed. Looking up now, I could see what I had felt; the sun was starting to peak through fluffy clouds. It was a fitting analogy for my emerging return to hiking. I stopped for a bit to enjoy it.

Mad River Tavern
Mad River Tavern, located in Campton, is one of the few restaurants near Waterville Valley that is open for lunch. Many of the area restaurants don’t open until 4:00 PM. This makes it a great option for those seeking an earlier respite from the days’ activities. The décor, as the name suggests, is rustic. Low ceilings and dark wood create a cavern-like experience, offering warmth in cold weather and cooling relief on those hot and humid days. Bear carvings and signs with the names of area ski runs are placed throughout. Although they have seating separate from the bar, the bar, in my experience, is always more populated. In addition to the barstools, there are many small tables available. Service is always fast and friendly and several channels of sports are offered and easily visible from wherever you are seated. The main dining area has a nice brick fireplace. This is a casual place serving casual fair. My go-tos are the nachos and a rotating pick of their draft beer. Good selection of tasty burgers too.
Mad River Tavern, 377 NH Route 49, Campton